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Wednesday 19 February 2020

Bite size horror on the go.

A wonderful thing about living in the age of the internet is that access to amazing horror content is at the ends of our fingertips and in our pockets at all times.  A seemingly infinite number of short horror films are legally available for free on video streaming platforms such as YouTube and Vimeo.

With just a simple search you can find yourself down the rabbit hole, and lose hours watching films as short as fifteen seconds each. Or alternatively,  if you only have a few minutes spare on a break at work but need a horror fix, you can pick out a five minute short and be through with it before your cigarette has burned down to the filter.

The beauty of horror shorts is that you can get everything you would look for in a feature film in bite-size nuggets of terror. Whether you are looking for mounting tension and dread, jump scares, light hearted comedy horror, or all out gore, you can find it after a few minutes of searching.

From the filmmaking point of view, shorts are so effective because they have to deliver the pay-off more or less immediately.  This is acheived with a mixture of inventive storytelling,  fast paced narrative structure,  well timed sound design and stunning camera work.

So whether you're looking for somewhere to start, or you're eager to jump down the rabbit hole, there are some great pages on YouTube listed below that are full of horror shorts for you to check out:

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